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Big Game Hunting Should Not Conitionue Big Game Hunting Should Not Continue

Big Game Hunting Should Be Banned

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"Hunting is not a sport. In a sport, both sides should know they're in the game", – Rodriguez.

Poachers, and rich big game hunters, kill millions of animals each year. Trophy hunters alone, kill over 70,000 animals each year. Despite how much money people make for big game hunting, it should be illegal because it doesn't only control the animal population it destroys it and causes harm to the environment.

Many animals have become endangered or extinct because of big game hunting. An estimated 200,000 lions inhabited Africa a century ago, now approximately 30,000 remain today. Trophy hunters alone are estimated to kill 600 lions annually. People are no longer hunting animals because of how dangerous they are they are killing animals for their size and rareness. For big game hunting there are animals called the 'Big Five', which are the animals, people are most hoping to get. The animals of the big five are lions, elephants, rhinoceros, leopards, and buffalo, researchers are saying that these animals are close to qualifying for or likely to qualify for a threatened category in the near future. Legalizing hunting can affect animals' population even within protected areas where hunting is not allowed. For example, if you kill a male lion outside of the protected area it will draw more male lions from inside the protected are and then they too are vulnerable to hunters. If you kill a male lion, you not only killing that one lion, you are killing the male lions, that will compete with each other to try and fill in his spot, and once a new lion is leader, he will kill all of the cubs conceived from the previous one. Which killed a bunch of lion cubs that could have been added to the population. It's also the same for elephants the loss of an older elephant means leaving male of female youngsters without guidance who will more likely have a negative interaction with human which means more will be killed.

Big game hunting has rules, that people must follow, but many do not because it is poorly regulated. A lion has to be a certain age before you can kill it. That age is 6, because many lions do not breed until they are at the age of six. But the problem with that rule is people can't tell what age the lion is, until they have actually killed it. Like the case of the lion Cecil. The man who killed Cecil, Walter Palmer, lured Cecil out of a perfected area with a carcass that had been tied to the back of a Jeep. Not only did he kill a lion that was well liked and in a protected area he had failed to obtain the license to kill a lion.

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Big game doesn't have a set rule on how many of one animal can be killed, that means that too many lions and other animals are legally allowed to be killed. If an animal is on the endangered list, then they can't be hunted but that doesn't stop people from killing them. For example, the snow leopard is endangered but people still hunt and kill them because it goes back to how rare that animals is and because of the small amount of snow leopard that are left they are now 'rare'. Many hunters can't be distinguished from a big game hunter or a poacher or a trophy hunter which means that there are more chances of animal victims.

Big game hunting is morally wrong because people are mostly doing it because they can get something out of it. The money the government in Africa gets from people coming to hunt they say goes to Villegas's and people who need it, but out of the millions of dollars they get only 3 percent goes back to the people, and the protection areas for the animals. Some of the people who are hunting lions say they are hunting them because they are dangerous and attack humans. But lions are not scared of people because they know that they are bigger and stronger, so if they see a human, they are most likely just going to ignore them. Some people also prolong the hunt by shooting the animal with or something that won't kill the first and then track them to kill them a few hours later. In the case of the lion Cecil, Walter Palmer shot Cecil with an arrow and tracked him for 40 hours until he finally shot him with a rifle and then proceeded to behead and skin Cecil's corpse. People are also doing canned hunting, where a captive breed animal, like a lion, is taken from its parent or is taken when they are older and put into an enclosed space for people to hunt. Big game hunting appeals to the lowest aspects of human nature.

"People are just plain evil, for the petty, childish fun of being evil", – Arthur Chu.

People just see animals as a way of getting more money. Big game hunting should be illegal because it doesn't only control the animal population it destroys it. People should consider the consequences of killing such beautiful animals, the next time they go hunting.

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Big Game Hunting Should Be Banned. (2022, September 01). Edubirdie. Retrieved October 22, 2022, from

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