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How to Get Rid of Bo Smell in Clothes

Has this ever happened: You've laundered your favorite shirt, and everything looks and smells clean until the iron hits the armpits, or you wear the garment again, and… whew! There's that stinky odor!

Even the cleanest people can develop stains and odors in the armpits of their shirts. Even some antiperspirants can leave stains. So how do you get rid of them? Regular washing doesn't work; the garment needs to be treated. Here are a few tricks of the trade to power away those embedded underarm stains and smells from fabrics.

Underarm hair - Perspiration
yellow dirty stain sweat on white armpit shirt

Tricks To Get Rid Of Stubborn Underarm Stains and Odors From Clothes

Each of these remedies works best if you turn the garment inside out and expose the underarm fabric before treating. These remedies are best used on shirts that can be handled a little "roughly"

1. Aspirin and Cream of Tartar

Mix three white, non-coated aspirin tablets with a cup of warm water and a tablespoon of cream of tartar (you probably have a can in your kitchen cupboard!). Scrub the solution into the underarm area with a nailbrush or old toothbrush, then allow the mixture to remain on the garment for at least 20 minutes. Launder as usual. Repeat, if necessary.

2. Baking Soda

baking soda uses - box of baking soda

Seriously, what can't baking soda do? It's is great for neutralizing strong perspiration odors that are embedded in fabrics. Make a paste with baking soda and warm water, then rub the paste into the problem areas. Leave the paste on the garment for 15 minutes, or allow it to remain overnight. Launder as usual. Some have found luck with a paste of baking soda and Dawn dish soap, following the instructions above. But test for colorfastness first.

3. Salt

Spilling salt - Salt

Dissolve a ½ cup of table salt in a bucket or large bowl half-full of warm water. Soak the affected areas of the garment, then launder.

4. White Vinegar

White vinegar is a powerful odor neutralizer and works wonders on underarm areas of fabrics. Fill your washing machine with water, then add 1/3 cup of white vinegar. Turn off the machine and let the garment soak for 20 minutes, then launder as usual.

5. Washing Soda

Sprinkle a ¼ cup of washing soda (sodium carbonate, not sodium bicarbonate), also known as soda ash, onto the affected area. Be sure to wear rubber gloves. Add water to make a paste and work it in with gloved hands. Leave the paste on the affected area for 30 minutes. Launder as usual.

6. Mouthwash

Listerine® or Scope® work well on underarm fabric odors. Simply pour several capfuls on the armpit areas, wait 30 minutes, then launder as usual. You might want to test it first if you're going to use mouthwash on white garments.

7. Murphy's® Oil Soap

Pour the oil soap directly on the armpit which has been dampened with water, and use a nail brush or old toothbrush to scrub it in. Leave on for 20 minutes then rinse in cool water, then launder.

8. Meat Tenderizer

This remedy might sound a little strange but meat tenderizer works by "digesting" or breaking down the chemicals that are embedded in the fabric from underarm odors. Simply dampen the armpit area with water and sprinkle generously with the meat tenderizer. Work it in with your fingers and allow it to sit for 20 minutes. Then launder.

Be sure the stains and odors are gone before tossing any garment in the dryer, which will further set the unwanted stains and smells. Line drying clothing may also help eliminate odors.

Preventive Advice

All-natural fabrics are more breathable than synthetic fabrics, so be sure to choose fabrics made from cotton, wool, bamboo or silk, and avoid polyester and rayon. Allow perspiration to evaporate before tossing any garment in the dirty laundry basket or rehanging. And be sure to wash all of your clothing regularly.

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What are your tricks for removing tough underarm stains and odors from fabrics?

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How to Get Rid of Bo Smell in Clothes
